martes, 8 de abril de 2008

Vader - Night Of The Apocalypse (2004) [AUDIO]

1. Intro 1 / Epitaph
2. Torch of War
3. Xepher
4. Carnal
5. Reign Forever World
6. Intro 2 / Breath of Centuries
7. Silent Empire
8. Black to the Blind
9. Intro 3 / Revelations of Black Moses
10. North
11. Nomad
12. Sothis
13. Raining Blood

Metalmania 2003:

14. Intro
15. Xepher
16. Epitaph
17. Cold Demon
18. Nomad
19. Wings
20. Vicious Circle

Supporting Slipknot and Metallica 2004:

21. Sothis
22. Crucified Ones
23. Epitaph
24. Wings
25. Xepher
26. Carnal

* Formato: MP3
* Calidad: 320KBPS
* Tamaño: 242MB. Dividido en 3 partes:
- Primera parte: 95,7 MB
- Segunda Parte: 95.7 MB
- Tercera parte: 50,7 MB

> > DOWNLOAD < <

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