martes, 8 de abril de 2008

Chthonic - 9th Empyrean (2000)


1. Breath of Ocean [02:45]
2. Mother Isle Disintegrated. Aboriginal Gods Enthroned (Chapter 2) [01:39]
3. Floated Unconsciously In the Acheron [06:58]
4. Summon of China [06:02]
5. Gods Souls Gathered [01:43]
6. Invasion [07:46]
7. Upon the Empyrean [02:10]
8. Guard the Isle Eternally [09:06]

- Formato: MP3
- Biterate: 192 KBPS
- Duracion: 38:09
- Tamaño: 52 MB

> > > DOWNLOAD < <

1 comentario:

Hisie dijo...

excelente disco!!! yo tengo las 2 versiones y ambas son muy buenas!!! larga vida a ChthoniC!!!!

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