martes, 15 de abril de 2008

1349 - With Full Force [Bootleg] - (2003)

1. 1349 - Intro (2:35)
2. 1349 - Legion (4:49)
3. 1349 - Satanic propaganda (4:12)
4. 1349 - I breathe spears (5:02)
5. 1349 - Pitch black (4:00)
6. 1349 - Haunting the chapel (Slayer cover) (2:45)
7. 1349 - Evil oath (3:30)
8. 1349 - Manifest (5:13)
9. 1349 - Buried by time and dust (Mayhem cover) (3:30)
10. 1349 - Riders of the apocalypse (4:28)

Duracion total: 40:04
Tamaño: 47,052 KB
Calidad: 160 kbps (MP3)

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