domingo, 13 de abril de 2008

Tribute To Sarcófago (2001)

1. Angel Corpse - Desecration of Virgin (1:57)
2. Drowned - The Laws of Scourge (4:04)
3. Satyricon - INRI (2:08)
4. Lustful - Nightmare (6:34)
5. Impaled Nazarene - The Black Vomit (2:04)
6. Impurity - Orgy of Flies (4:32)
7. Exhumed - Sex, Drinks and Metal (2:28)
8. Sextrash - Satanas (2:17)
9. Conqueror - Christ's Death (3:20)
10. Mystifier - Satanic Lust (3:35)
11. Under Threat - Piercings (5:08)
12. Pathological Noise - Satanas (1:17)
13. Black Witchery - The Black Vomit (2:12)
14. Lethal Curse - Rotting (7:58)
15. Posthumous - Christ's Death (4:12)
16. Descerebration - Sex, Drinks and Metal (3:29)
17. Calvary Death - The God's Faces (3:55)
18. Mysteriis - Nightmare (6:52)

Tiempo total: 1:08:02
Tamaño: 94,801 KB
Calidad: 192 kbps

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