sábado, 12 de julio de 2008

Dezperadoz - The Dawn Of Dying (2000)

1. The Beginning [00:32]
2. As a Judgement [01:20]
3. Gomorrha of the Plains [03:18]
4. The Dawn of Dying [03:56]
5. My Gun and Me [04:49]
6. Gone with the Wind [05:05]
7. Rattlesnake Shake [04:39]
8. (Ghost) Riders in the Sky [03:40]
9. Devil's Horse [05:04]
10. Jumpin' Down the Running Train [04:23]
11. Dodge City [02:42]
12. Desperados [03:33]
13. The End [01:23]
14. Oriental Saloon [03:48]

Total: 48:12
Tamaño:88,6 MB
Calidad: 256kbps

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